The Prove it! Math Academy residential summer program will not be offered in 2025. Big changes are in the works to provide our unique curriculum and high-quality resources to a wider audience of math enthusiasts. Check this site for updates and announcements.

Daily Schedule

Below is an hourly breakdown of a typical day at the Prove it! Math Academy summer program.

8 AM: Breakfast at the dining hall.
9 AM – 12 PM: Morning class. These sessions consist of a mix of problem-solving activities and lectures by our expert instructors on advanced mathematics topics. There will be a break halfway through each morning session.
12 PM: Lunch at the dining hall.
1 PM – 4 PM: Afternoon class. These sessions consist of a mix of problem-solving activities and lectures by our expert instructors on advanced mathematics topics. There will be a break halfway through each afternoon session.
5:30 PM: Dinner at the dining hall.
7:30  – 9 PM: The evening sessions consist of either group work sessions or downtown excursions. The group study time is an opportunity for the students to work in teams on the problems and proof write-ups for the Prove it! Math Conference, which will take place near the end of the program. The excursions will consist of a variety of trips to downtown Fort Collins and the surrounding area.
10 PM: Check-in at the dorms.
11 PM: Lights out.

Program Schedule

The tentative schedule for the classes and activities at the 2020 Prove it! Math Academy is shown below.

Morning Afternoon Evening
Day 1 Students Arrive Greetings and Games
Day 2 Welcome;
Introduction to Proof
Toy Proofs,
Propositional Logic,
Group Work
Day 3 Peano Axioms,
Proof Shortcuts
Set Theory,
Group Work
Day 4 Induction Numbers, Rings,
and Groups
Group Work
Day 5 Rocky Mountain National Park /
Colorado field trip
Day 6 Combinatorial Proofs Symmetry and Burnside’s Lemma Group Work
Day 7 Invariants,
Extreme Principle
Transformational and
Hyperbolic Geometry,
Group Work
Day 8 Generating Functions Proof Writing Style,
Day 9 Introduction to q-analogs Surreal Numbers and Games Group Work
Day 10 Local field trip Existence Proofs
Day 11 3x+1 Problem,
2-adic numbers
Conference preparation Group Work
Day 12 Prove it! Conference Prove it! Conference Fractals;
Day 13 Career Information Solutions, Team Awards
Final Excursion
Day 14 Breakfast Students Depart

The program is a full two-week experience, and so students must arrive and depart on the scheduled arrival and departure days.

Note that all classes and activities are subject to change; the above is meant to give a general idea of the content of the curriculum and the planned excursions.

Next: Dates and Tuition